General Information
- Write a formal essay.
- Write at least 250 words.
- The task is the same for both the General and the Academic Path. However, the topic of the essay question in the General Path is sometimes more straightforward than in the Academic Path.
- Depending on the question, you will need to either provide and justify your opinion, discuss a topic, outline problems and provide possible solutions, or summarise key details.
- The ideas you provide should be supported with clear reasons and examples based on your knowledge and experience.
- Spend 40 minutes on this task.
Scoring of Writing Task 2
This writing task is worth two-thirds of the total marks for the writing test. There are four areas that you will be marked on in writing task 2, and each area is worth 25% of the overall mark for this task.
- Task Response: This gives marks for your ideas, how well you address the topic, and the extent to which you develop ideas and form a conclusion.
- Coherence and Cohesion: This gives marks for the effective use of paragraphs, linking paragraphs and ideas, and referencing.
- Lexical Resource: This gives marks for the range of vocabulary used, the inclusion of collocations, and accurate spelling.
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This gives marks for the use of varied sentence structures, accurate tense, and accurate punctuation.
Structure of the Essay
The essay for task 2 must be 4-5 paragraphs long to show enough skill and evidence to score well for coherence and cohesion. The structure we suggest includes:
- Introduction
- Body 1
- Body 2
- Body 3 (optional)
- Conclusion
Linking Words for Coherence and Cohesion
A quarter of your overall score depends on your ability to show cohesion across the essay. Linking words will help you to do this. The words in the table below provide a range of linking words with different functions for you to use in the task 2 essay.
To Order | To Show Contrast | To Provide Examples | To Show A Result | To Add More |
Firstly, | However, | For example, | As a result, | In addition, |
Lastly, | Alternatively, | For instance, | Consequently, | Additionally, |
Finally, | Nevertheless, | such as | Hence, | Furthermore, |
Although, | in particular | Thus, | Moreover, | |
In contrast, | specifically | Therefore, | Also, | |
On the other hand, | especially | so | As well as, | |
In comparison, | obviously | For this reason, | and | |
but | clearly | |||
despite | namely |
To Show Your Opinion | To conclude |
In my opinion, | In conclusion, |
I think that | To summarise, |
I believe that | Overall, |
I admit that | |
In my view, | |
I agree that | |
I disagree that | |
because | |
owing to | |
due to | |
since | |
as |
If you use the first 5 minutes for planning, you will have 35 minutes to complete the writing task. I recommend using approximately 30 minutes of this time to write your essay and the remaining 5 minutes to check your work. During this time, look specifically for spelling mistakes, misused words, grammatical errors, and punctuation mistakes.
Top Tips for Writing a Solutions Essay
- The solutions essay question will either ask you to provide solutions OR provide both causes and solutions.
- If you are asked only to provide solutions, plan for 2-3 body paragraphs with each paragraph focusing on a different solution.
- If you are asked to provide both causes and solutions, plan for one body paragraph to discuss the causes and one body paragraph to discuss the solutions.
- Use the language of cause and effect (see below)
Language of Cause and Effect
- for this reason
- because
- so
- as
- as a result
- thus
- hence
- therefore
- consequently
- since
- because of this
- unless
- that being so
- in that case
- if…then
Planning for the Solutions Essay
You must take the time to plan for writing task 2. You will already have completed two full tests and writing task 1. Your brain is likely to be fatigued at this point, so you need to take a few minutes to ensure you respond correctly to the task, generate some ideas, and sequence the essay logically.
The plan does not need to be complicated. I recommend spending up to 5 minutes on this. You can use space on the question paper to write the plan.
The plan used for a solutions essay depends on whether you are being asked to write about the solutions only or the causes and solutions. Use one of the two formats below, depending on the type of question.
Solutions only:
State the issue for discussion in the essay Introduce the number of solutions that will be presented |
Body 1
Point: Introduce one solution Example: Provide an example of this solution Elaboration: Elaborate on the solution, e.g. explain its impact |
Body 2
Point: Introduce another solution Example: Provide an example of this solution Elaboration: Elaborate on the solution, e.g. explain its impact |
Body 3 (optional)
Point: Introduce another solution Example: Provide an example of this solution Elaboration: Elaborate on the solution, e.g. explain its impact |
Restate the solutions and the main impact of their implementation |
Cause and Solutions:
State the issue for discussion in the essay Introduce the two causes and two solutions that will be presented |
Body 1
Point: Introduce the main cause of the problem Elaborate: Provide an example or discuss the impact of this Point: Introduce another key cause of the problem Elaborate: Provide an example or discuss the impact of this |
Body 2
Point: Introduce the main solution to the problem Elaborate: Provide an example or discuss the impact of this Point: Introduce another key solution to the problem Elaborate: Provide an example or discuss the impact of this |
Restate the key solutions and impact of their implementation |
Sample Question: Solutions Essay
An increasing number of animals are endangered or becoming extinct. What are the reasons for this? What could be done to solve the problem?
Model Plan: Solutions Essay (Cause and Solutions)
A growing number of animals are at risk of extinction or are endangered. Two causes: the destruction of animal homes & global warming Two solutions: governments – illegal to destroy animal homes & fewer carbon emissions |
Body 1
Point: the destruction of animal homes Elaborate: rainforests being cut down, less space and food for animals living there Point: global warming Elaborate: ice melting in the arctic – affecting polar bears – starving |
Body 2
Point: governments make it illegal to destroy animal homes Elaborate: limit resources that humans are allowed to use Point: reduce carbon emissions Elaborate: making electric cars compulsory |
Laws to protect animal homes and to enforce rules regarding human behaviour |
Model Answer: Solutions Essay
In today’s world, a growing number of animals are endangered or are at risk of extinction. This is mainly due to the destruction of animal homes and the impact of global warming on the environment. There are two key solutions to the problem that governments could implement to reduce the continued danger to at-risk animal species.
Firstly, the main reason for animals being endangered is due to the destruction of their habitat. The Amazon rainforest, for example, is rapidly decreasing in size due to the cutting down of its trees, known as ‘logging.’ As a result, animals inhabiting the rainforest have less space to live and less food to eat, and many of these animals are starving to death. In addition, global warming also has a significant impact. The high levels of carbon emissions produced by humans have caused global warming to become a serious environmental issue, and this is affecting the animal population. Polar bears in the Arctic, as an example, are starving to death. This is due to the warming of the climate in the region that is melting the polar ice caps.
However, there are two main solutions to the issue of endangered animal species. One way to improve this situation is for governments to make it illegal for companies or individuals to destroy animal homes. This will limit the access of humans to the Earth’s resources and, therefore, support humans and animals to co-exist on Earth more effectively. The responsibility for the second solution also lies with governments. If electric cars are made compulsory in every country around the world and gas-guzzling petrol cars are banned, there will be a notable reduction in carbon emissions. This, in turn, should slow down the effects of global warming in some of the world’s most at-risk regions.
In conclusion, to eradicate the endangerment of animals, laws must be put in place to more strictly control human behaviour. By protecting animal homes and reducing carbon emissions, the negative impact of humans on the survival of animals will significantly reduce.
Key Words and Phrases for the Solutions Essay
- In today’s world
- This is mainly due to…
- the impact of
- There are … key causes / solutions
- There are … main causes / solutions
- the main reason for …
- due to
- for example
- as a result
- in addition
- significant impact/effect
- negative impact/effect
- has/have caused
- as an example
- However, …
- There are two effective solutions
- One way to improve the situation is…
- This will…
- If…
- This, in turn, should…
Practice Test: Solutions Essay
Many doctors trained in less developed areas of the world are leaving their home countries to work in more developed countries. What are the reasons for this? What problems could this cause?
Practice Test: Model Plan
Many doctors who have trained in less developed countries are leaving once trained to work in more developed areas Two problems: less trained professionals to treat patients – poorer health & less educated professionals to train future doctors – lack of growth Two solutions: improved pay & conditions in home countries & exchange programme |
Body 1
Point: less trained professionals to treat patients Elaborate: less access to treatment – poorer health of people in the region Point: less trained professional to train more doctors Elaborate: lack of growth in numbers of those available to treat patients |
Body 2
Point: improved pay & conditions in home countries Elaborate: people move for this so give it in the home country Point: exchange programmes Elaborate: the agreement between govt |
Governments must provide good working conditions and links across countries |
Practice Test: Model Solutions Essay
In today’s world, many trained medical professionals from poorer countries seek to work abroad in more developed nations on completion of their training. This is having a negative impact on the health systems in these doctors’ home countries. However, there are two key solutions to this problem that governments could implement to reduce the difficulties faced.
Firstly, one of the main problems with doctors relocating after their training is that there are less trained professionals available to treat patients in the home country. With reduced access to medical care, health problems in the region are likely to increase. As a result, the health system of that country is put under immense strain. In addition, if there is a lack of medical professionals to treat patients, there will also be a lack of professionals available to provide training for future health professionals. This could result in training programmes becoming unavailable or the provision of inadequate training.
However, there are two main solutions to the issue of a lack of health professionals in developing countries. One way to improve this situation is for the working conditions of doctors in these countries to be improved. Doctors are likely leaving to work in more developed areas due to the increased pay, improved facilities, and opportunities for promotion available. If these conditions are offered in the home country, then it may reduce the number of professionals migrating. Alternatively, developing countries could start an exchange programme with more developed countries. For example, if a doctor left Kenya to work in England for one year, the English government would be required to send an English doctor to work in Kenya for that same amount of time.
In conclusion, to reduce the impact on people in developing countries when trained medical professionals leave to work abroad, the government of developing countries must put in place contingency plans. This could involve providing improved working conditions in the home country of the doctors or building links with more developed countries.